Homes Overseas – THE Overseas Property Specialists

Golden Visa

Spain's Golden Visa

Initiated in 2013 primarily to encourage investment in Spain, the Golden Visa offers residency to non-EU nationals who choose to make a minimum investment into Spain of €500,000.  That investment can be in the form a real estate investment in one or more properties which cumulatively meet the minimum investment level of €500,000.  At Homes Overseas we have an extensive portfolio of properties which fully qualify for Golden Visa purposes, whether your primary use is as a second home or simply for investment purposes.

For UK citizens who would like to spend more than 90 days at a time in Spain, Spain’s Golden Visa could prove to be the perfect solution. For those able to afford the minimum level, the visa can be a quick and easy way to obtain Spanish residency for both yourself and your dependents.  Whilst there is no requirement for you to reside in Spain permanently once you receive a visa, it is a major benefit for second-home owners wishing to stay for periods over 90 days.  The renewal of this temporary residency permit (Golden Visa) is necessary every two years and is straightforward with no requirement for you to reside permanently in Spain. For those seeking a path to permanent Spanish residency however, the programme offers this opportunity after a period of five years with the subsequent option of full Spanish citizenship being available after ten years to those who have lived permanently in Spain during those periods.

Applying for a Golden Visa in Spain.

All applications need to made through a Spanish Embassy or a Spanish Consulate and is a process best undertaken by your legal representatives as part of your property purchase. When done properly, the whole application can take as little as 20 days to complete, subject to the purchase of a qualifying property.

There are a number of points over and above the investment element which should also be given consideration;

  • Both yourself and your family need to prove that you are fully covered by private healthcare.
  • None of those applying can have a criminal record. 
  • Each applicant requires an NIE and a TIE (foreigners ID card).
  • All applicants will need to prove they are related to the purchaser. 
  • The qualifying investment of €500,000 needs to be met from personal funds rather than via a mortgage, although a mortgage can be utilised for any additional amount over and above.
  • There is no requirement to use the property exclusively yourself.  It is also perfectly acceptable to enjoy the benefits of a Golden Visa whilst also renting out the property to generate an income if you so choose. 
  • Unlike the Spanish non-lucrative visa, the ‘Golden Visa’ also allows you to work in Spain (for a Spanish company).
  • The scheme can be used retrospectively for those who have bought a property since 2013.  For existing owners, it also also possible to buy additional properties in order to meet the minimum investment level. 
  • If applying for the Golden Visa prior to completion of your qualifying property purchase (i.e. in the case of off-plan property etc), a letter from a Spanish bank confirming availability of funds is required.

The Process.



Contact us at Homes Overseas for a brief informal chat to determine your eligibility for the Golden Visa scheme.

We will also discuss your property requirements, needs and objectives in order that we can ensure that your subsequent trip is spent productively.  We will prepare a schedule designed to ensure that you have a fully rounded experience which enables you to make any decisions from an informed and knowledgeable position. At no point is there ever any pressure on you to commit to anything with which you’re uncomfortable – everything moves at your pace and according to your needs. 

Your personal consultant will be allocated to you and will be your first point of contact during your trip and throughout the entire process going forward.



During your visit there are a number of objectives that we will endeavour to achieve with you;

  1.  If you are new to the area, we will spend  time (normally your first full day) touring the region and providing you with plenty of opportunity to familiarise and assure yourself that it’s the right place for you.
  2. View a selection of ‘Golden Visa’ qualifying, hand-picked properties that meet your previously defined criteria, budget and wish-list.
  3. Liaise and negotiate with developers, agents and vendors on your behalf to achieve the best possible deal on your chosen property.
  4. Introduce you to qualified lawyers and other professionals who can act on your behalf and will, subject to your instruction, undertake to complete both the legal aspects of your purchase as well as your Golden Visa applications.



Once you return from your trip you can relax safe in the knowledge that you have made an fully informed decision and ensured that all the elements of your purchase and visa application have been addressed and left in professional hands.  

Subject to your approval, lawyers, finance specialists, currency experts and any other professional representatives that may be necessary will have been instructed.  All necessary requirements such as Power of Attorney, bank account opening, NIE’s, TIE’s and your visa applications etc will all then be progressing on your behalf.

Your personal consultant will continue to work with you and act as your ‘on the ground’ contact as and when you need them, liaising with you and your chosen representatives to ensure a smooth and hassle-free conclusion.

For further information or to arrange an initial informal chat, 
please click below to submit your details

    Golden Visa